17 Apr Best Advice….From Corbin Gurkin
I have the privilege of seeing weddings everyday that photographers have submitted. They reflect the differing styles and personalities of the couples and the photographers. I was chatting with Girl Saturday (who is on vacation this week…) about this topic and I heard sudden panic in her voice. Immediately, the uncertainty of who she selected to photograph her wedding became present. Hiring a photographer is a huge undertaking and commitment. This is the person, or team, that will stop time and record the moments of your wedding. Luckily, Corbin Gurkin has shared her insights and best advice about weddings and selecting a photographer, you may want to take notes on this one.
Top 5 Things to look for
- It’s important to not only love your photographer’s work but also feel really connected to their personality. The best photographs will come from the ease you feel when you’re around your photographer. Remember, this person will be with you the entire day so make certain that you feel comfortable with their constant presence!
- Ask to see an entire set of wedding proofs – either online or in your photographer’s studio – you should get a feel for how your photographer approaches an entire event and not simply see their “greatest hits”
- Consider an “out-of-towner” – there are often excellent local photographers but if you’re marrying in a place where you aren’t feeling inspired by the selection, then it’s worth researching other options. Lucky for you Charleston has a multitude of wonderful photographers!
- Ask your photographer if they use an assistant. For weddings with more than 100 guests, an assistant or second shooter can be an extremely helpful asset on the wedding day. It’s always nice to have an extra set of eyes focusing on the crowd while your photographer is following the bride and groom.
- Go with your instinct and find a photographer that you simply just LOVE… If the photographer is a stretch for your budget then consider a disk only package and order albums or reprints after the wedding. Getting great results on the wedding day is the most important thing.
As far as general wedding planning advice, I think my best advice would me to make sure that first and foremost the wedding is about you and your fiancé. Couples can get wrapped up in the stress of accommodating a massive guest list or navigating through tricky family dynamics. My clients who manage to let go of those things have the happiest days to look back on.
While I love a big wedding and all of the energy that large groups have, some of my all time favorite events have been smaller intimate weddings with fewer than 100 guests. The bride and groom are more likely to have a chance to speak to everyone and really feel like the day was spent amongst their closest friends. Small destination weddings can be a great way to turn your wedding into a long weekend with your nearest and dearest. You may also find that you’re able to stretch your budget further this way. I also cannot get enough of outdoor weddings – particularly since natural light is the best possible option for your photos!
I’m definitely a lover of the details – It’s amazing how brides personalize their events and pour their creativity into the décor. Let your inner artist come out and have fun creating a design that is truly representative of your unique personal style.
Be thorough in the planning stages but remember that when the wedding day arrives, just enjoy yourself. Things may not go completely as planned, but the small hiccups make for a great story and remind us that while relationships have moments of fragility, we usually feel better laughing off the small stuff.
– Thank you Corbin for the wonderful photographs and words of wisdom.
{photographs courtesy of Corbin Gurkin}