Lotus Flower Tag

Here in Charleston, most of us are on the other side of all Irma wreaked these past few days. Our hearts go out to all those who fared so very much worse than those of us here in South Carolina. In the spirit of keeping...

When Elizabeth and Patrick first met as students at Georgia Southern University, it was love at first sight. Flash forward a couple of years, and Patrick proposed to Elizabeth at the Daniel Island Club. (Her parents live there on the island.) This past June,the affianced...

Yes, I really do pinch myself  daily. I am a truly lucky girl who gets to bring you matrimonial goodness everyday and I love it! Some Charleston weddings that I have the pleasure of featuring connect with me on a personal level and this little...

It is your lucky day. You are going to want to just jump right into this luxe affair and settle into this extraordinary Kristin Newman designed wedding photographed by the fabulous Gayle Brooker. Lowndes Grove is always gorgeous but this event was unabashed luxury an we are just...

It is your lucky day. You are going to want to just jump right into this luxe affair and settle into this extraordinary Kristin Newman designed wedding photographed by the fabulous Gayle Brooker. Lowndes Grove is always gorgeous but this event was unabashed luxury an we are just...